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Birth Chart Astrology Interpretation
Birth Chart Astrology Interpretation
This is a natal chart interpretation reading.
The natal chart reveals your soul’s journey. It’s the blueprint of your life, affirming your true potential.
It provides an understanding of the challenges you may need to overcome and reveals your natural strengths and inborn talents.
You may find that a hobby you enjoy is actually an inborn talent, and with a little dedication, you could show remarkable talent.
Let’s take this adventure together and discover all the hidden meanings the stars have to offer you. We will explore your potential and challenges, creating a plan of action.
The knowledge and tools given will inspire firm decision-making for the necessary steps to fundamentally change your life path and unlock your Soul’s Protentional. After all, what’s a blueprint if you don’t start building?
All readings are conducted remotely with Mary via Zoom. A recording of your reading is available upon request at no extra cost.
Please email with your birth information, any questions you may have, and to schedule a reading.